The Tenth Doctor

[The Tenth Doctor]
David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor

Personal Data

The Doctor is the fictional protagonist in the TV show, Doctor Who and the Tenth Doctor is portrayed by David Tennant. He is the tenth incarnation of the Doctor, the First being William Hartnell, and the latest being Peter Capaldi. The Doctor himself is a Timelord from the planet Gallifrey, the home of the Timelords, and he has two hearts.


Powers and Abilities


Friends / Enemies

Rose Tyler
[Rose Tyler]
Rose Tyler outside the TARDIS
Rose Tyler (portrayed by Billie Piper) is a companion of the Doctor. Her first appearance was in the episode "Rose". She first met the Ninth Doctor (portrayed by Christopher Eccleston) before he regenerated into the Tenth Doctor. Rose and the Tenth Doctor were in love and in the episode "Doomsday" Rose gets trapped in a parrallel universe and cannot return to earth, leaving the Doctor heartbroken.
A Dalek
The Daleks are a mutant race created by Davros on the planet Skaro. They are emotionless, merciless, and pitiless creatures encased by a metal shell that will not hesitate to kill anything not Dalek-kind. The First Doctor (portrayed by William Hartnell) met them on Skaro in the episode "The Daleks".
River Song
[River Song]
River Song
River Song is a psychopath and timetraveller raised and trained by the Silence to kill the Doctor. The first appearance of River is in "Silence in the Library", where she sacrifices herself to save the Doctor. But, since she is a timetraveller, the Doctor and River do not meet in the right chronoligical order, so the first time the Doctor sees her, it is the last time she sees the Doctor.